02 April 2007

An early April update...

It's been a volatile month with crashes here and there, followed by serious gains. As described in my previous posting, there's also a lot of M&A activity going on among my stock picks. Time for another update on my favourite stocks. One month ago, my stock picks were only up 3.5%, but now the gains are more colourful.
18Dec2006Aareal Bank35.50 36.34 +2.4% 44.40
13Dec2006 ABN Amro 24.10 28.00 +16.2% 28.00
16Feb2007 Ahold 7.97 8.80 +10.4% 10.00
16Nov2006 Banco Pastor 14.15 17.10 +20.8% 18.00
27Nov2006 Capitalia 7.00 6.78 -3.1% 8.50
19Feb2007 Companhia Vale $35.90 $37.15 +3.5% $55.00
12Jan2007 Crystallex $3.12 $3.92 +25.6% $6.00
24Jan2007 DRDGold $0.83 $0.70 -15.7% $1.10
21Dec2006 Fiat Group 14.50 18.87 +30.1% 19.33
12Jan2007 Gold Reserve $3.94 $6.57 +66.8% $12.00
10Dec2006 Hagemeyer 3.64 3.58 -1.6% 5.00
16Dec2006 Iberia 2.81 3.30 +17.4% 3.30
10Mar2007 North Am. Galvanising 5.18 5.36 +3.5% 8.00
28Nov2006 Ormonde Mining 0.24 0.18 -25.0% 0.40
7Dec2006 Rhodia 2.60 2.83 +8.8% 3.20
30Nov2006 SolarWorld 46.10 58.06 +25.9% 69.12
2Dec2006 Vallourec 204.00 195.48 -4.2% 250.00
All stocks in euro unless mentioned otherwise. Stocks in bold have been sold as target price has been reached.

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